Sunday, April 13, 2014

Wellness Key #2 - The REAL Fountain of Youth (Part 1)

Even before the time of Ponce De Leone, as far back as ancient Greece, mankind has been regaled with legends of natural pools or springs with water that healed and restored youth.  While there is some anecdotal evidence suggesting that some mineral springs may indeed assist in healing a variety of ailments, most of us now understand that these ancient stories, of water that magically and instantaneously restores youth to the aged, are mere myths.  This raises the question, why was water thought to be the vehicle for such magic?  Why not a magical stone or tree?  I believe this is because of the very nature of water.  No other element maintains its appearance and qualities throughout the ages the way water does.  Water is the essence of flexibility; by ceaselessly surrendering, it forever bends without breaking.  While the stone may initially appear stronger because the water surrenders to it, over time, water will eventually erode the stone to nothing.  By easily flowing through change without resistance, water remains… relatively un-changed.

Water is understood to be an essential ingredient for sustaining life.  Water is the body’s second most important fuel source, without which you’ll die in a few days.  It comprises 45 to 70 percent of your body weight (fat contains no water, so the higher your percentage of body fat, the lower your percentage of water).  In our bodies, water serves as a vehicle for transporting nutrients and waste, acts as a lubricant for all of the movements going on all over our body, provides the moisture for tears, and regulates heat loss.

Water was the original beverage, and is still the healthiest beverage you can drink, bar none.  Water helps flush out toxins, sodium, urea, and other cellular wastes which the kidneys have filtered from the lymphatic system.  So, how healthy do you think you’ll be if you don’t flush out all of those things your body wants to get rid of?  Well, for starters, studies show that people who drink a lot of water have a 50% lower risk of kidney stones or kidney disease.

One of the main factors in physiological aging is dehydration, another is decreased flexibility, and there is a link between the two.  When it comes to the effects of hydration on our muscles, the human body is a bit like a tree branch; a dry branch is brittle and inflexible, and will soon break off dead, while the branch that is green and moist on the inside is flexible and therefore nearly unbreakable.  As previously mentioned, water in the body helps to lubricate the movements of muscles, tendons and joints, and without enough lubricant, these movements do not happen as easily.

As a massage therapist I’ve learned that I can tell a lot about a person’s health by the health of their skin.  If someone has dry, rough, tight skin with wide open pores, and more obvious wrinkles than typical for a person of their age, I know that they are frequently dehydrated.  If I ask questions, inevitably, I find out that the person either smokes (I can usually smell the cigarette toxins, like the smell of a smoker’s clothes, escaping through a smoker’s pores during the massage, so I don’t have to ask about that), drinks a good deal of alcohol (more than 1 drink per day on average), doesn’t eat enough fruits or vegetables, and/or doesn’t drink enough water.  Fruits and vegetables contain 80-90% water, while cigarettes and alcohol dehydrate.

In contrast, people who have smooth and youthful skin, well past what most would consider youth, typically have the opposite behaviors.  Meaning that they drink at least 2 quarts of water per day, are either vegetarians or get at least 3-4 servings of vegetables and fruits per day, haven't smoked much or at all, and drink alcohol in moderation, if at all.  If you're not one of these people at present, I have good news for you:  Water actually can be your "fountain of youth".  While it can't restore your youth over night, not only can it help you hold on to what youth you have left, but can indeed help to restore some of your youth, by flushing out toxins, re-hydrating your skin, restoring some muscle tone and flexibility, and lubricating your joints.

In the next article, I'll tell you more about all of the wonderful health benefits of water, including weight loss.

- Michael Raphael, LMT, CPT

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